1. maintains good rapport with the faculty. 2. exhibits professionalism when dealing with the faculty. 3. provides effective, positive, and constructive leadership. 4. manages the academic programs in the School of Theology with efficiency and professionalism. 5. fulfills his responsibility to ensure the integrity of the academic programs. 6. fulfills his responsibility to assess the academic programs in the School of Theology. 7. fulfills his responsibility to propose improvements and modifications to the academic programs of the School of Theology. 8. fulfills his responsibility to supervise the implementation of the curricula in the School of Theology. 9. fulfills his responsibility to evaluate methods of instruction, examinations, and grading practices in accordance with the Faculty Handbook. 10. fulfills his responsibility to consult with the faculty regarding course descriptions published in the seminary catalog. 11. fulfills his responsibility to chair portions of faculty meetings dealing with intellectual formation. 12. fulfills his responsibility to participate in all meetings of the committees and bodies to which he is assigned. 13. fulfills his responsibility to make himself available for faculty consultation. 14. fulfills his responsibility to act as liaison between seminarians and the seminary administration and faculty in all academic matters. 15. fulfills his responsibility to ensure that the professors conduct the prescribed number of class sessions for the prescribed amount of time. 16. fulfills his responsibility to ensure that all classrooms are fitted with proper furnishings, technological and physical materials needed for instruction. 17. fulfills his responsibility to promote continued academic development of individual professors. 18. fulfills his responsibility to coordinate and oversee a professional in-service each year.