Pastor Survey 2023

As the Pastor of a parish to which a priest-alumnus of the Pontifical College Josephinum has been assigned, we ask that you provide us with a confidential evaluation of the general fitness for ministry of the Josephinum alumnus with whom you have served.

Human Formation

Please select your answer
ExcellentVery GoodAveragePoorN/A
1. Demonstrates a positive and healthy self-awareness and sound personal identity.
2. Demonstrates sound prudential judgment and a sense of responsibility.
3. Demonstrates personal initiative.
4. Demonstrates the ability to forego worldliness in favor of simplicity of life.
5. Demonstrates the ability to live a life of chaste celibacy.
6. Demonstrates the ability to foster fraternity with his brother priests.
7. Demonstrates the ability to live a disciplined life which includes attentiveness to his physical and mental wellness.
Please select your answer
ExcellentVery GoodAveragePoorN/A
8. Demonstrates the ability to relate well to men and women, authority figures, peers, and those under his care.
9. Demonstrates the ability to engage in genuine dialogue by cultivating the ability to communicate, to listen well, and to empathize with others.
10. Demonstrates the ability to work collaboratively with others.
11. Demonstrates the ability to maintain appropriate boundaries in all personal interactions.

Spiritual Formation

Please select your answer
ExcellentVery GoodAveragePoorN/A
12. Demonstrates a Eucharistic spirituality and a “habit of daily prayer and meditation” (PPF #110).
13. Prays daily the Liturgy of the Hours.
14. Develops a personal prayer life that includes personal meditation and spiritual reading (e.g. lectio divina) on a regular basis.
15. Cultivates a healthy balance of solitude and silence conducive to prayer.
Please select your answer
ExcellentVery GoodAveragePoorN/A
16. Exhibits growth in Christian charity.
17. Exhibits a spirit of magnanimity/selflessness.
18. Exhibits the ability to embrace self-sacrifice in joyful service to others.
19. Demonstrates the ability to spiritually embrace a simplicity of life.

Intellectual Formation

Please select your answer
ExcellentVery GoodAveragePoorN/A
20. Demonstrates knowledge of various theological disciplines.
21. Demonstrates an ability to articulate and present the mysteries of the Catholic faith in an understandable manner.
22. Demonstrates the ability to write theologically with accuracy and clarity.
23. Demonstrates a comprehensive and critical understanding of the Catholic Tradition appropriate to priestly ministry.

Pastoral Formation

Please select your answer
ExcellentVery GoodAveragePoorN/A
26. Demonstrates pastoral competence in parochial settings.
27. Demonstrates pastoral competence in hospital settings.
28. Demonstrates pastoral competence in work with the poor and marginalized.
29. Demonstrates pastoral competence in cross cultural settings.
30. Demonstrates the ability to administrate sacramental ministry properly and prayerfully.
Please select your answer
ExcellentVery GoodAveragePoorN/A
31. Takes appropriate initiative in pastoral assignments.
32. Demonstrates the ability to think theologically about pastoral issues.
33. Demonstrates the ability to be a respectful, flexible, and compassionate servant-leader.
34. Behaves in a manner befitting one who serves as a public person in the Church.
35. Demonstrates interpersonal skills critical for ordained ministry.

In Summary

Please select your answer
ExcellentVery GoodAveragePoorN/A
36. The Human Formation program at the Josephinum assisted him in becoming the priest that God is calling him to be.
Please select your answer
ExcellentVery GoodAveragePoorN/A
37. The Spiritual Formation program at the Josephinum assisted him in becoming the priest that God is calling him to be.
Please select your answer
ExcellentVery GoodAveragePoorN/A
38. The Intellectual Formation program at the Josephinum assisted him in becoming the priest that God is calling him to be.
Please select your answer
ExcellentVery GoodAveragePoorN/A
39. The Pastoral Formation program at the Josephinum assisted him in becoming the priest that God is calling him to be.
Please select your answer
ExcellentVery GoodAveragePoorN/A
40. Overall, how would you rate the Josephinum’s preparation of its alumni for the realities of ministry in your diocese?
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