Theology 3 – Final Pastoral Formation Evaluation from Supervisor

Please complete the following survey by selecting the rank that best describes the seminarian’s observed behavior and by providing any supporting comments. Please read the descriptors for each criterion carefully before answering. We understand that some questions may be difficult to answer, but we ask that you try to answer N/A only if the trait discussed is completely not relevant to or cannot be observed at this placement. We value your comments greatly, so would ask you to offer any comments that could be useful in the spaces provided. If you would like to reference the criteria used for this evaluation, please see the Program for Priestly Formation (PPF) noted by each rated question. There are 34 questions in this survey.


Evaluator's Name:(Required)
Seminarian's Name:(Required)

Conclusion and Overview

Professionalism & Personal Responsibility (PPF 239 m)(Required)
Please choose only one of the following:
Work Ethic (PPF 239 m)(Required)
Please choose only one of the following:
Communication Skills & Active Listening Skills (PPF 239 a,m; 280 d iv)(Required)
Please choose only one of the following:
Communication Skills II & Pastoral Expressions (PPF 239 a,e,m; 280 d iv)(Required)
Please choose only one of the following:
Relational Skills and Ability to Collaborate (PPF 239 d,m; 280 iv, vi)(Required)
Please choose only one of the following:
Teaching and Presentation Skills (PPF 239 a.c.e)
Please choose only one of the following:
Evangelization Skills (PPF 239 a,c,e; 280 d i,viii,ix)
Please choose only one of the following:
Receptivity to Feedback and Criticism (PPF 239 g)(Required)
Please choose only one of the following:
Cultural Sensitivity (PPF 239 e,h; 280 d i, vi, viii)
Religious Pluralism and Tolerance (PPF 239 e, i; 280 d i, viii)
Attentiveness to the Poor, Marginalized, Sick, or Suffering (PPF 239 k; 280 d ii,iii )
Aptitude for Pastoral Leadership (PPF 239 d,l,m; 280 d iv, v, vi)(Required)
Flexibility/Adaptability (PPF 239 m)(Required)
Dealing with Disagreement and/or Conflict (PPF 239 m)
Overall Contribution to the Mission, Goals, and Activities of Respective Outreach/Ministry/Organization (PPF 239 m; 280 d i,iv,ix )(Required)
Met Learning Goals (Objectives/Skill Set Development) Formulated with the Site Supervisor at the beginning of this year. (PPF 239 m)(Required)
Professional Ministerial Ethics (PPF 244)(Required)
Theological Integration (PPF 239 f,g)

Conclusion and Overview

Given your supervision of this seminarian during this year, do you feel that this seminarian is ready to be ordained a transitional deacon?(Required)

We greatly encourage you to share your responses with the seminarian. If you would like, please email Deacon Joe Knapke at or call (614)985-2288 and he can email your responses to you once you have submitted them online.

Thank you for being a supervisor to our Josephinum seminarians! We greatly appreciate all of your assistance in their formation. Please submit your evaluation below.