Theology 4 – Final Evaluation from Supervisor

Participant Information

Deacon's Name(Required)
Supervisor Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Skill Sets

AlwaysFrequentlyOccasionally (inconsistently)RarelyNeverInsufficient Evidence
Displays pastoral presence and skill when officiating at Baptisms and Marriages.
Displays pastoral presence and skill when preaching at liturgical functions.
Advancing in his knowledge and ability to celebrate the Sacred Liturgy and other rituals of the Church.
AlwaysFrequentlyOccasionally (inconsistently)RarelyNeverInsufficient Evidence
Possesses a healthy self-awareness of his personal weaknesses / strengths for future priestly ministry and the state of his overall readiness for future priestly ministry.
Enjoys healthy and constructive relationships with men.
Enjoys healthy and constructive relationships with women.
Relates well and appropriately with children.
Relates well with his superior (pastor-supervisor).
Appears to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle that includes a regular fitness regimen and healthy diet for his overall personal well-being.
AlwaysFrequentlyOccasionally (inconsistently)RarelyNeverInsufficient Evidence
Possesses the knowledge and ability to teach the Catholic Faith through liturgical preaching.
Possesses the knowledge and ability to create/organize/present a catechetical program (RCIA; Adult Education; Secondary/Primary Education).
Possesses the theological knowledge and pedagogical ability to prepare parishioners for the reception of the Sacraments.
Possesses the knowledge and ability to relate the contemporary culture to his preaching/teaching.
Possesses the ability to use social media and other forms of media to spread the faith.
AlwaysFrequentlyOccasionally (inconsistently)RarelyNeverInsufficient Evidence
Displays the skills and confidence to evolve into a servant leader from both a pastoral and organizational perspective.
Appreciates and values the involvement of the laity in all aspects of parish life and invites their participation.
Possesses the imagination and creativity to anticipate as well as meet the needs of a parish.
Enjoys a constructive/vibrant relationsip with members and leaders of ministries, governing bodies and organizations.
Displays a healthy tolerance for attitudes, opinions and beliefs.
AlwaysFrequentlyOccasionally (inconsistently)RarelyNeverInsufficient Evidence
Open to engaging in ecumenical dialogue and participating in interfaith relations.
Enjoys friendly/constructive relationsips with clergy/leaders of others faith groups/denominations.
Promotes civic involvement and outreach with parishioners and engages personally in these activities.
Displays ability to build dialogue with diverse cultural groups.
Displays a desire to actively particpate in Christian advocacy groups (Pro-life; Anti-death Penalty; Pax Christi; Immigration etc.) and encourages others through his enthusiasm and leadership.
Personally witnesses to the Church’s call to possess a ‘preferential option for the poor’, the needy, the marginalized and the outcass of society.
AlwaysFrequentlyOccasionally (inconsistently)RarelyNeverInsufficient Evidence
Understand and respects professional/ecclesial boundaries.
Enjoys a vibrant relationship with his Ordinary, presbyters, and fellow deacons.
Displays an active interest in wanting to learn more about his diocese, itsleadership, ministries, clergy and history.
Displays a desire to actively particpate in Christian advocacy groups (Pro-life; Anti-death Penalty; Pax Christi; Immigration etc.) and encourages others through his enthusiasm and leadership.
AlwaysFrequentlyOccasionally (inconsistently)RarelyNeverInsufficient Evidence
Appears to maintain a vibrant prayer life.
Demonstrates an openness to lifelong learning spiritually, theologically and professionally.
Displays an interest and sees the value in getting involved with a priest support group and/or spiritual fraternity post presbyteral ordination.

Final Questions for the Pastor – Supervisor

Given your supervision of this deacon during this summer assignment, do you feel that this deacon is indeed ready to be called to presbyteral ordination?(Required)
Would you be happy to have him assigned to your parish as a parochial vicar?(Required)